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Message Inbox
Updated over a year ago

Welcome to the Super 8 tutorial, in this section, you will understand more about the message inbox.

Description of message inbox type

1. Unassigned: Contains conversations that the robot cannot handle and conversations that are being processed by the bot. For conversations being processed by robots, the customer's avatar will show a bot icon; if a real customer service personnel wants to intervene in the chat, you can directly enter a message in the field to talk to the customer. Please note here that if you click "Start live chat now", the chat will remain unassigned; if you do not click "Start live chat now", the chat will go to the completed inbox. Unassigned conversations can be "Complete this conversation", "Assign to member", "Move to trash"

The customer avatar in the red box is a robot icon, indicating that the conversation is being processed by the robot

If the real customer service personnel wants to intervene in the chat, you can directly enter the message in the field to talk to the customer

Click on the small icon, from left to right, you can "Move to trash", "Assign to member" or "Complete this conversation"

Batch Assignment: Click on the dialog you want to assign from the leftmost box of the dialog, and then click "Move to trash", "Assign to member" or "Complete this conversation"

2. Assigned: You can only see the conversations assigned to you, and you will receive push notifications when assigned. The assigned conversation can be "Complete this conversation", "Assign to member", "Move to unassigned". In the "assigned" dialog, because the customer is already assigned to the real person, even if the customer enters the conditions such as keywords, the chatbot will not be triggered

Extended Reading: Message Assignment

3. All Assigned: In this folder, you can see which organization member all conversations are assigned to. If the organization member presses Complete, the conversation will enter the "Complete" inbox. Therefore, it is recommended that the customer service executives or company executives can observe the replies of all internal customer services in the "all assigned" inbox. The general customer service staff can view the conversations assigned to them in the "assigned" inbox.

4. Finish: Manually press "Finish" to move the conversation to this inbox. If there are new messages in the completed conversation, the process will restart and enter "Chatbot" or "Unassigned". Completed conversations can be "moved to unassigned"

5. Chatbot: When the organization has a running chatbot, the conversation will stay in this inbox when the customer interacts with the bot. The conversation in the chatbot can be "Move to Unassigned" or "Move to trash"

6. Trash: Manually press the dialog "Move to Trash", the dialog in the trash will no longer appear in "Unassigned". If a customer in the trash can send a message, you will not be notified unless you remove the conversation from the trash can.

7. All: Here you can see all the conversations except the trash dialog, including the assigned message

Extended reading: message status


It is recommended to open the "Unassigned" inbox during normal customer service work, and assign the conversations in the "Unassigned" inbox to the responsible organization member for reply. After the live customer service has responded, please click "Complete" immediately, which means the processing has been completed.

Hope the above information helps you!

If there are other questions, please feel free to contact the online customer service through "Facebook Chat Plugin" at the bottom right of the Super 8 platform.

Super 8 Messenger:

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